
Channi, Sidhu caused security threat to PM,  both playing in ISI hands: Chugh 

January 05, 2022 05:13 PM

Chandigarh,  Jan 5

BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh today blasted the Congress government in Punjab for engineering a security threat for Prime Minister Narendra Modi who was going to address a public meeting in Ferozepur. 

Chugh said it's a matter of shame for the Channi government for not allowing the prime minister to address the public meeting.  

Chugh squarely blamed Channi and Punjab PCC president Navjot Sidhu for joining hands with subversive and anti-national forces to  foil the democratic right of the  prime minister and the BJP to  address public meetings. 

Chugh said it was responsibility of the Congress government to ensure law and order for the PM's visit but entire Punjab is hanging its head in shame today. 

The prime minister,  he said,  had been always thinking of welfare of farmers and it was with due respect to them that he decided to repeal the agriculture laws. 

" But Channi and Sidhu are dancing to the tune of Pakistan ISI. Time has come for Punjab to wake up to nefarious designs of the two", Chugh added. 

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